My Journey with Seibu わたしが出会ったお店と、その暮らし。

西武線沿線の街々で出会った素敵なお店。営むひともまた、暮らすひとでした。営み、暮らすからこそ知る街の魅力を聞きました。商店街や路地裏、はたまた住宅街の一角に、都心では少なくなった魅力的で個性的なお店がたくさん。店主の方と仲良くなって地元のお店を教えてもらったり、地元密着だからこそ楽しみも!通いたくなるお店に出会えます。My Journey w/ Seibu (マイ ジャーニー ウィズ セイブ)

老舗の実績に、遊び心をプラスして。〈細田木工所|SOF SENSE OF FUN〉が企む街開き。
I have found lovely shops in the neighborhoods along the Seibu lines. I learned that the shopkeepers often live nearby. When asking them about the attractions of their neighborhoods, they spoke from both the perspective of a shopkeeper and a resident, providing a well-rounded insight into the lifestyle of living along the Seibu lines.

Their Stories Of the people living here

About this Town Reasons you should
live here!

パンとお菓子と小さなレストラン bèe
自家製のクリスピー生地にトマト×アイオリのソースとイカなどを乗せた「地中海 フランベ」(左、1,200円)。くっとスパイシーで爽やかなあと味が人気の「カールヴァーン・ベルジャンホワイト」(S、580円)をお供に。
「自然がとても身近にあって、園内にはサワガニもいたりと、小さな頃からなじみのある公園です」と小宮さん。近隣住民の憩いの場として、いまも多くの人に愛されています。■住所:東京都新宿区下落合2-10  ■開演時間:7:00〜19:00(4〜9月)、7:00〜17:00(10〜3月)
  • Easy access to the city center on both weekdays and weekends!

    The Seibu lines offer robust through service and connections with other operators' lines for both easy weekday commuting and weekend trips. In particular, the through-service S-TRAIN is highly appreciated for its comfort, as all seats are reserved and there are no transfers.

  • Many lush parks and relaxation spaces!

    Many stations on the lines have numerous spots so full of nature that you will forget you are in Tokyo. Each is a place where residents love to relax, and many people enjoy taking walks and picnicking there on holidays.

  • A chance to find charming shops you want to visit again and again!

    There are many charming and unique shops along shopping streets and back streets, and even in some residential areas. Get to know the shopkeepers and learn about other local shops. Soon you'll be exploring your neighboorhod as a local! You will find shops you want to visit again and again.

  • Many fascinating spots to visit!

    There are many enjoyable spots along the Seibu lines, including the nature-rich "Chichibu area"; the "Hanno area", where you can enjoy outdoor activities; the "Tokorozawa area", a source of subcultures; and the "Kawagoe area", which features old streets from the Edo period. I recommend them for both solo trips and trips with friends and family.
    Click here for more sightseeing information.


Area Map of the Seibu lines


Neighborhoods convenient for commuting to work and school. Map of the Seibu lines